contact us
​​Kersey Mill
Kersey, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6DP
The Mill 01473 829317 email
BabyArt Studios 07441 355649 email
Backs for the Future 01449 740 723 or 07818 420 029 email​
EA Men's Hair 07469 935818 email
Fitframe Physio 07900 440141 email
The Flower Shop 01473 805156 email
Glass & Craft 01473 517404 email
Hadleigh Computing Services 01473 487407 email
Health & Fitness 01473 806393 email
Kersey Mill Bridal 01473 970426 email
The Lab Retreat 07966 217059 email
The Miller's Kitchen 01473 822030 email
Pilates Works Jenny Pooley 07855 394703 email
Stirling Aesthetics 07928 178481 email
Studio 10 Hair & Beauty 01473 829069 email
Suffolk Craft Shop 01473 517404
Taylor Made Castings 01473 288503 email
Woodlands Nursery 01473 829317 email
Zor Boutique Zoe on 07969525859 or email
Kersey Mill Landlords Steve & Alison de Lara-Bell 07768 828361 or 01473 829317