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about the mill

History of Kersey Mill

Historically Kersey Mill was a water and engine driven Stone Mill.  The three pairs of engine driven stones must have been amongst the last and most sophisticated stone milling machinery produced in the late 19th century by Whitmore & Binyon, Millwrights of Wickham Market.


The Mill Pond at Kersey would have been created around 1860 with the introduction of the steam driven side of the mill thus giving the miller a more constant supply of energy and enable milling all year round. The miller would have been able to store far greater quantities of water in the mill pond for the steam engine than could be held in the mill race and river to feed the water wheel. The mill pond will not be used again to power a steam engine but nevertheless it is a very important part of the history of the mill and needs preserving hence the current works.


The  Mill is a large four storey building with a valley roof.  The lead from the valley was stolen approximately 60 years ago, causing water to pour through its centre resulting in extensive damage and rot. Some years later the roof was patched up and repaired to a degree but the internal damage remained until 2017. Over the years there have been thoughts on its conversion to residential dwellings and planning permission was indeed granted. Fortunately in our opinion these works were not carried out, as it would have resulted in the loss of this important flour mill as designed.

Restore the Past for the Future!


Restoration of the Mill

Many people have watched over the years with interest and anxiety its fate. Now we all have the chance to get involved and save this building, make it sustainable and give it a future. We are in the process of restoring The Mill to its origin of a working flour mill and would welcome the input of other similar minded people who would like to get involved with the project.  A very large project we know but with enough help achievable. We have already carried out important repairs to the roof and valleys, the water wheel is now repaired and turning for the first time in over 100 years, similarly the Pit-Wheel is now functioning again and the frame rebuilt. We have now completed the restoration of the Hurst Frame and expect to be completing the reinstatement of the mill stones by Autumn (2019).


It is anticipated that we shall be back up and running in 2020 producing flour.

The Project has been broken down into in several stages.


  • Restoration of the roof.

  • Restoration of the timber exterior. 

  • Reinstatement and restoration of the wheel, wheel house and Race (the wheel has not turned for approximately 100 years). 

  • Restoration of the timber frame and floors.

  • Repair and reinstatement of the machinery.

  • Restoration of the timber Hurst frame and bed.

  • Reinstatement of the mills stones machinery and stone furniture.

  • Continue restoration of the steam side of the mill elevators bolters etc.


The goal is to have the Mill working occasionally and available to the public for recreational and educational purposes etc., a working museum for all to enjoy. Obviously such a project will require substantial funds and expertise along with many hours of labour of varying degrees, including secretarial, fund raising, organising, along with builders, carpenters and labourers etc. We already have a small number of people offering support for the project but desperately need more.


​If you are a large organisation or a single individual who would like to be part of the restoration or arrange a visit to see work in progress or help create this legacy for generations to come please do get in touch.  Click here to find out more.

Kersey Mill, Kersey, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6DP

© 2025 by ​Kersey Mill

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